Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Test Video - Air Wave feat. I Are Conscious Produced by Jinesis

A video for Air Wave is definitely in the works. This is a test screening of possible elements to be used in official upcoming video.

Monday, March 1, 2010

So what exactly is, 'Smutwrap'?

If you ask our 'Altered Egos' group S.P.G. they will school you on the equation,
(Cerebral + Explicit ClubRap = 'Smutwrap' aka Sub-Basement Pulse or Electro-Club.
Soon to release their first EP at the end of April, we're making their lead single, 'Pantsag' available for a sexy figure of 69 cents via Yes that magic number sixty-nine, before the songs is widely distributed online. There's no way you're going to get that price on itunes. And you can brag about being one of the first to get a official version long before the full EP is released.

S.P.G. is now on Twitter. Follow them at